
(If you have had an encounter and wish to share, please reply below)

“Good prayer – very comforting & confirming. I am encouraged to keep hope.”

” Wonderful! I found that the Lord did give me answers. It surprised and pleased me.  I am very glad I came”

“My darkness changed to sunlight in my spirit and peace was around me.”

“God released me in my spirit. I felt like I was leaping like a deer & jumping over a high wall!”

 “Praise God, I received a mind/heart connection of value and worth, Thank You!”

 “Thank you so much – It was so wonderful to have someone pray with me.”

 “I got to see the Holy Spirit, Yay God!”

 “It was amazing! I felt the Holy Spirit within me and with us. I was released from lies I believed releasing me and future generations. I can’t say enough about the power of Jesus Christ’s presence in this ministry!”

 “It may not seem much to some, but I had a happy childhood memory after – I never get those!”

 “God revealed something to me that night. The next morning when I prayed about it, I felt open heavens and joy.”


One Reply to “”

  1. There’s is true freedom when we take our concerns to Jesus. I get blessed each time I attend even if I’m helping pray with other women instead of receiving prayer. Many women here are trained in healing rooms, Sozo type prayer, and Stephen Ministry. We come from different churches and ministries and all have a heart to see women get touched by the Lord..

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